Is this a legal obligation?
The provisions of the Construction Law regulate the individual stages of the construction process and thus impose certain rights and obligations on all its participants.
Art. 25 and Art. 26 of the Construction Law sets out the legal basis for the performance of the duties of the investor's supervision inspector.
REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE of 19 November 2001 on the types of construction objects which require the appointment of an investor’s supervision inspector provides detailed conditions and requirements for the provision of the supervision inspector.
It is not always mandatory to appoint the investor's supervision inspector, but the investor always has the right to appoint such a function and should not give up this right. The Supervision Inspector is an advocate for the interests of the Investor at the construction site and an independent verifier of the works in progress.
The main task of the Supervision Inspector is to represent the investor on the construction site as well as to control the compliance of the construction with:
- project
- construction permit
- legal regulations
- applicable standards
- technical rules & regulations
Investor's supervision services provided by TÜV NORD Polska are carried out in parallel with quality control of construction work based on the developed BQC (Baubegleitendes Qualitätscontrolling) standards.
Benefits of cooperation with TÜV NORD
- 150 years of experience on the international market and more than 25 years on the Polish market
- Teams of inspectors and specialists all over Poland
- Standardised procedures
- Knowledge of applicable legislation, standards and technical conditions
- Comprehensive assistance & support
- Coordination of the ongoing investment tailored to the needs of the investor
- Independent verification of works
- Disciplining the contractor
We invite you to contact us